Wednesday, December 1, 2010

wed, Dec 1-10

Good evening,
  Sorry to miss the dance class last night. All my perkiness of the prior two days caused me to over extend.  Around 2:00 yesterday I needed a nap. alas, it lasted  through the night with a few food breaks.  Combined with the long Dr's appointment, it just wasn'r my night to go out. I had thougth the Dr appoinment was only for an hour. took 2.5 hours. lab work to be done, clean up the PICC line site, actually had one of the more extensive physical exams than I've had since the Heart surgery. Anyway all appears to be well, and most of my side effects are going or gone. Next chemo is Monday Dec 6. It will be a repeat of the first with 5 hours of infusiion at the center and then a pumppack to go. The pumppack contains a nice package of chemo that continues to supply chemo to my system 24 hrs a day for two days.  The chemo really doesn't bother me so much, and the side effects are tolerable. But I feel so much better. Hope something positive is happening.
    Lets talk diet. I've read through severall books on what we eat and cancer. That said I'm ready to start the conversion. So any tasty meal hints involving brown rice, seaweed, grains would be most welcome. Looking forward to trting out Susans seaweed soup receipe.


  1. It might be worth looking into the alkaline/acid concept. Your body should be more alkaline than acid but our diet makes us lean toward alot more acidity. I've read that cancer doesn't like alkaline systems. Foods are alkaline or acidic but maybe not the way you'd think. Things like lemon seem to be acidic, but it works in our body as an alkaline. It takes about 35 glasses of water to neutralize the acid in 1 can of soda. After all, it does a great job on a car battery, eh? Dr. Oz mentioned it on his show recently and said that he wouldn't do the diet, but if he had a diagnosis of cancer he'd start it right away. I have a friend on Maui who even bought an alkaline water system but you can do it to your own water by adding lemon. There are some waters that are naturally alkaline. The diet is a healthy one with lots of vegetables, low sugar and not really heavy in meats. There are some good books and online information. Changing your diet is a great idea. Glad you're having some perky days.


  2. Hello John, my name is Paul. Albert Crompton is my father and he told be about your condition. He mentioned that you had liver cancer. I don't know if were in the same boat or not, but i have ESLD. (end stage liver disease). I developed cancer from my liver being so cirrrhotic. It devloped about April of this yr (2010), and have had 2 doses of chemo and then the microablation. Go back the 10th of Dec for a MRI to see if its still gone after 3 months of being tumor free. If I can answer any ?'s let me know. It sucks but life has a mind of its own sometimes. And when your feeling weak and have no appetite for food, EAT! And stay away from sugar, cancer thrives on sugar.
    Good luck.
    Paul C.

  3. Hi John,
    Regarding whole grains, one of the things I do is I make a special mix of grains that I cook for breakfast. It's two parts steel cut oats, one part quinoa, 1/2 part each cracked rye and bulgar. (Bob's Red Mill, most local grocery stores carry all of these.) I make a big batch dry/mixed up and each morning I scoop out 1/3 cup and boil it in one cup of lightly salted water. After the water is nearly all absorbed I add some cut up apple that cooks for a couple of minutes as the cereal finishes cooking. A splash of milk and it's ready to eat.
    Hope to see you tomorrow night (Jan 18),
